Dual-band negative-index properties of the silver-SU-8-silver sandwich configuration, perforated with a square array of cross dipole apertures, are simulated and analyzed in the midinfrared region. The first and the second negative-index bands correspond to the (1,0) and (1,1) internal surface plasmon polariton (SPP) modes, respectively. The internal and external SPP modes acquired by the SPP dispersion relation of the metal/dielectric/metal model match well with the simulated transmission peaks. The effective parameters for the two negative-index bands are retrieved using simulated S parameters. The coupling effect between the (1,1) internal SPP mode and the localized resonance mode can be tuned by the arm length of cross dipole, which can weaken or destroy the negative electromagnetic response of the second negative-index band. The electric quadrupole mode of the second negative-index band accounts for its strong dependence on the dielectric loss of the interlayer.