We report structural, morphological and magnetic properties of the Sr2GdRuO6 compound, which is used as precursor oxide in the production process of RuSr2GdCu2O8 superconducting ruthenocuprates. The crystalline structure was studied by X-ray diffraction and Rietveld refinement. Results reveal that material crystallizes in a monoclinic double perovskite, space group P21/n (#14). Scanning Electron Microscopy experiments on samples show homogeneous granular morphology with grain size from 3 up to 7 μm. Semiquantitative analysis of composition was performed by the Energy Dispersive X-ray technique. Experimental results are 98% in agreement with the theoretical stoichiometry. Curves of magnetization as a function of temperature exhibit an antiferromagnetic-like behaviour, with Néel temperature TN=15.3 K and magnetic effective moment 8.72μB.