It has been recently shown that, since in general relativity (GR), given one time label t, one can choose any other time label t → t*= f(t), the pressure of a homogeneous and isotropic fluid is intrinsically zero (Mitra, Astrophys. Sp. Sc. 333, 351, 2011). Here we explore the physical reasons for the inevitability of this mathematical result. The essential reason is that the Weyl Postulate assumes that the test particles in a homogeneous and isotropic spacetime undergo pure geodesic motion without any collisions amongst themselves. Such an assumed absence of collisions corresponds to the absence of any intrinsic pressure. Accordingly, the “Big Bang Model” (BBM) which assumes that the cosmic fluid is not only continuous but also homogeneous and isotropic intrinsically corresponds to zero pressure and hence zero temperature. It can be seen that this result also follows from the relevant general relativistic first law of thermodynamics (Mitra, Found. Phys. 41, 1454, 2011). Therefore, the ideal BBM cannot describe the physical universe having pressure, temperature and radiation. Consequently, the physical universe may comprise matter distributed in discrete non-continuous lumpy fashion (as observed) rather than in the form of a homogeneous continuous fluid. The intrinsic absence of pressure in the “Big Bang Model” also rules out the concept of a “Dark Energy”.