At the interface of behaviour, ecology and evolution: Insights from the world of fishes
We are pleased to present this special issue of Current Zoology entitled "Behaviour,Ecology and Evolution of Fishes".The goal of this special issue is to showcase some of the recent developments in research occurring at the interface of fish behavioral ecology and evolution and to stimulate further research in this fascinating field.Most,but not all,of the papers fall under specific themes we identified in the call for submissions for this special issue.The issue features four review articles and fourteen original articles.The first review article,by Ⅰ.C(o)té and S.Green,describes the potential interactions of climate change with invasive species using the invasive lion fish in the Caribbean as an example.J.Weis and A.Candelmo review the literature and describe recent experiments testing the effects of pollutants on fish behavior,using the Mummichog and bluefish as the study organisms.