This paper presents a system-level method to decrease the power consumption of integrated audio Class-G amplifiers for mobile phones by using the same implementation of the level detector, but by changing the parameters of the switching algorithm. This method uses an optimization based on a simplified model simulation to quickly find the best power supply switching strategy in order to decrease the losses of the internal Class-AB amplifier. Using a few relevant equations of Class-G on the electrical level and by reducing the number of calculation points, this model can dramatically reduce the calculation time to allow power consumption evaluation in realistic case conditions compared to the currently available tools. This simplified model also evaluates the audio quality reproduction thanks to a psycho-acoustic method. The model has been validated by comparing model results and practical measurements on two industrial circuits. This proposed model is used by an optimizer based on a genetic algorithm associated with a pattern search algorithm to find the best power supply switching strategy for the internal Class-AB amplifier. The optimization results improve life-time performance by saving at least 25% in power consumption for typical use-case (1mW) compared to the industrial circuit studied and without losses in audio quality.