Navigation of autonomous mobile robots in dynamic and unknown environments needs to take into account different kinds of uncertainties. Type-1 fuzzy logic research has been largely used in the control of mobile robots. However, type-1 fuzzy control presents limitations in handling those uncertainties as it uses precise fuzzy sets. Indeed type-1 fuzzy sets cannot deal with linguistic and numerical uncertainties associated with either the mechanical aspect of robots, or with dynamic changing environment or with knowledge used in the phase of conception of a fuzzy system. Recently many researchers have applied type-2 fuzzy logic to improve performance. As control using type-2 fuzzy sets represents a new generation of fuzzy controllers in mobile robotic issue, it is interesting to present the performances that can offer type-2 fuzzy sets by regards to type-1 fuzzy sets. The paper presented deep and new comparisons between the two sides of fuzzy logic and demonstrated the great interest in controlling mobile robot using type-2 fuzzy logic. We deal with the design of new controllers for mobile robots using type-2 fuzzy logic in the navigation process in unknown and dynamic environments. The dynamicity of the environment is depicted by the presence of other dynamic robots. The performances of the proposed controllers are represented by both simulations and experimental results, and discussed over graphical paths and numerical analysis.