Integrated filter circuit design resulted in desire for replacement of Inductors by active elements like Operational Amplifiers which led to the introduction of active filters. Active filter design has evolved over a period of time. Starting with OP AMPs, we have witnessed phenomenal growth of active component usage in filter design and development catering to varying requirements. This has contributed greatly in emergence of circuits with minimal limitations and advantages in terms of wide Bandwidth and High slew rates. Current Differencing Buffered Amplifier (CDBA) based active filter design has resulted in introduction of many novel circuits .This paper proposes a new Voltage-mode three input and Single output (TISO) multifunction filter based on single CDBA, four resistors and two capacitors. This second order filter circuit is capable of realizing various filter functions by choosing values of the three inputs variably. The natural frequency (ω0) can be tuned with passive components and the Q of the circuit is independent of (ω0) .The higher cascading capability of the circuit is ensured because of its low - output impedance. Further PSPICE-simulated results are in conformity with theoretical values.