Multiple-frequency basestation RoF system based on polarization multiplexed FWM in SOA
An approach of multiple-frequency millimeter-wave (mm-wave) signal generation is proposed for radio-over-fiber (RoF) system with multiple-frequency basestations (MFBSs).Two groups of orthogonally polarized signals are injected into a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA),and subsequently ten new different wavelengths are generated via four-wave mixing (FWM) effect.At each MFBS,different wavelengths are filtered out using demultiplexer and then input to a photodiode (PD) to generate the mm-wave signals with the frequencies from 52 GHz to 68 GHz at the interval of 2 GHz.Simulation results verify that the proposed multiple-frequency generation for MFBS RoF system can work properly.