It is consider that, from the standpoint of the law of conservation of energy, the process of converting sound wave falls on the boundary between two spaces in two, leaving the boundary, reflected and passage. It is assumed that the simultaneous presence of three waves is impossible, and that the process of converting one wave in two waves occurs instantaneously. Based on this concept, enter the following boundary conditions for the calculation of amplitudes (coefficients) of the reflected and passage waves. The initial phases of the reflected and passage waves coincide with the phase of the falling wave. The energy of the falling wave is equal to the sum of the energies of the reflected and passage waves. The normal component velocity amplitude of the particle of the liquid under the influence of the falling wave is equal to the sum of the normal component of particle velocity amplitudes of the reflected and passage waves. It was found that the character of dependence of the reflection coefficient on the angle of departure of the initial wave is the same as in the traditional formulas, but the coefficient of passage does not exceed unity. Calculations of reflection and passage coefficients for different values of the refractive coefficient at the boundary between two homogeneous spaces as well as the canonical form of the waveguide, wherein the speed of sound which is minimum at predetermined depth is carried out.