Background: Diaphyseal non-unions and malunions constitute significant morbidities in fracture care. Fracture treatment modalities seek to restore anatomic orientation and functional rehabilitation as soon as possible after a fracture incident. Malunions and non unions present a treatment challenge with the need for prolonged hospitalization, multiple surgical interventions and economic burden. In the developing world, traditional bonesetting practices are popular and these often result in a host of preventable complications. The added socioeconomic costs of treating these complications present a considerable strain on the resources of these already fragile economies and households. Aim: To document the risk factors, treatment options and outcomes for diaphyseal non-unions and malunions in our environment. Patients and Methods: Fifty-two consecutive patients comprising 37 non-unions and 15 malunions who presented in the orthopaedic unit of a tertiary hospital in Southern Nigeria were evaluated. Information sought included biodata, location of pathology, type of incident fracture, local risk factors including traditional bonesetting;treatment options and final outcomes. Information obtained was analyzed using SPSS version 20 (IBM, New York). Results are presented in simple frequency tables. Results: There were 34 males and 18 females (M:F = 1.9:1) with a mean age of 38.76 ± 14.55 years. There were 37 non-unions and 15 malunions. The femur was the commonest site of pathology in 21 (40.4%) cases, and among the non-unions, the atrophic variety was the commonest type (n = 26;70.3%). The mean fracture-to-surgery interval was 11.35 ± 7.95 months and traditional bonesetting was the commonest risk factor (n = 36;69.2%). Plate and screw Osteosynthesis with bonegraft augmentation was the commonest treatment modality and the overall union rate was 94%. Conclusion: Traditional bonesetting plays a major role in the health seeking behaviour of many African societies. The complications are varied and add to the overall socioec