AIM:To evaluate the characteristics of pupillo accommodative functions in patients with idiopathic tonic pupil according to the time of onset,gender,and age.METHODS:Totally,15 males and 19 females were divided into 2 groups depending on the time of disease onset:group I(onset【2 months,n=20) and group II(onset 】2 months,n=14).A supersensivity test was conducted by applying diluted pilocarpine 0.125% to the eye and accommodative functions were evaluated using the near-point of accommodation(NPA) as the cutoff point,at which the patient experienced blurred vision.Pupil size and the ratio of decrease in the affected pupil after instillation of 0.125% pilocarpine were investigated.RESULTS:There was no significant difference between the 2 groups regarding the various pupillary reflex results,including data on the affected pupil size before and after 0.125% pilocarpine,anisocoria,and ratio of pupil decrease.No significant difference in NPA was found between the 2 groups.However,female patients were noted to have greater anisocoria and a faster constriction ratio than those of the male patients(P=0.02 and P=0.04).On subgroup analysis,female patients from group II had larger affected-pupil sizes before 0.125% pilocarpine instillation and longer NPAs than those of the male patients.CONCLUSION:No relationship was found between time of onset and dysfunction of pupillo-accommodative functions.Pupillo-accommodative functions and age were not related,except for the NPA.