The spectrum of isospin 3/2 Δ++(1232) excited states is one of the most important issues in hadronic physicsand is attracting much attention because it is the most experimentally accessible system composed of three identicalvalence quarks. However, our knowledge on these resonances mainly comes from old N experiments and is stillvery poor[1]. In the energy region around or above 2.0 GeV, there are still many theoretical predictions of missingΔ states which have so far not been observed. Searching for these missing states from other production processesis necessary. A possible new excellent source for studying these Δ resonance comprises the +p! K+Σ+(1385)and pp !nK+Σ+(1385) reactions, which have a special advantage, i:e:, there is no contributions from isospin 1/2nucleon resonances due to the isospin and charge conservations.