The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of the mutual positioning of the turbine stage stator and rotor blades on noise generation. The Ansys CFX commercial software package and the Scale-Adaptive Simulation (SAS) hybrid turbulence model are used for numerical analyses. The paper is focused on an analysis that the pressure wave generation resulting from unsteady flow phenomena. In order to present the problem, the Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) analysis of pressure fluctuation is carried out at selected points of the turbine stage computational domain. A comparison of values of individual components for subsequent control points allows an approximate determination of the place of generation of pressure waves, the direction of their propagation and the damping rate. Moreover, the numerical analyses make it possible to evaluate the justification for the use of the SAS model, which is rather demanding in terms of equipment, in simulations of unsteady flow fields where generation and propagation of noise waves occur.