Aphids (Hemiptera:Aphididae) are a group of phloemfeeding insects numbering more than 5 000 extant species (Favret,2014a).Most species have complex life cycles that include both asexual (viviparous parthenogenesis) and sexual reproduction.They display a high degree of intraspecific polyphenism with multiple phenotypes from an identical genotype,and they have specialized associations with their host plants (Blackman & Eastop,2000).Some aphid species are gall-makers and even have evolved sociality with division of labor (Aoki,1977;Stern & Foster,1996).Many aphid species are agricultural and forestry pests.They incur damage to plants and carry vector plant viruses (Blackman & Eastop,2000).Due to their fascinating biological character and economic importance,aphids have long been popular animals for research in basic and applied biology,and are becoming useful research models for studying important questions in ecology and evolution,especially in the genomic era (Brisson & Stem,2006;Huang & Qiao,2006;Srinivasan & Brisson,2012).