Dear Editor,
The origin of fat cells or adipocytes is a fundamental biological question with important ramifications for human health and disease [1].Epicardial fat is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular diseases such as coronary atherosclerosis [2].However,the origin of these epicardial fat cells remains largely unknown.Epicardial progenitors play a pivotal role in the developing heart,by secreting paracrine signals and by differentiating into fibroblasts,smooth muscle cells,and potentially endothelial cells and cardiomyocytes [3-6].Some of these developmental programs are reactivated during postnatal heart injury [7,8],and reactivated adult epicardial progenitors provide pro-angiogenic protection and undergo limited epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in cardiac injury [7,9].Since epicardial fat is physically adjacent to epicardial cells,we hypothesized that some of these cells originate from the epicardium during development and in postnatal heart injury.