Figure 50.1:Inclusive differential jet cross sections,in the central rapidity region,plotted as a function of the jet transverse momentum.Results earlier than from the Tevatron Run 2 used transverse energy rather than transverse momentum and pseudo-rapidity η rather than rapidity y,but pT and y are used for all results shown here for simplicity.The error bars plotted are in most cases the experimental stat.and syst.errors added in quadrature.The CDF and D0 measurements use jet sizes of 0.7 (JetClu for CDF Run 1,and Midpoint and kT for CDF Run 2,a cone algorithm for D0 in Run 1 and the Midpoint algorithm in Run 2).The ATLAS results are plotted for the antikT algorithm for R=0.4,while the CMS results also use antikT,but with R=0.5.NLO QCD predictions in general provide a good description of the Tevatron and LHC data;the Tevatron jet data in fact are crucial components of global PDF fits,and the LHC data are starting to be used as well.Comparisons with the older cross sections are more difficult due to the nature of the jet algorithms used.ATLAS:Phys.Rev.D86,014022 (2012),Eur.Phys.J C73,2509 (2013);CMS:Phys.Rev.D84,052011 (2011);CDF:Phys.Rev.D75,092006 (2007),Phys.Rev.D64,032001 (2001),Phys.Rev.Lett.70,1376 (1993);D0:Phys.Rev.D64,032003 (2001);UA2:Phys.Lett.B257,232 (1991);UA1:Phys.Lett.172,461 (1986);R807:Phys.Lett.B123,133 (1983).(Courtesy of J.Huston,Michigan State University,2013.)