This study work related with floating of an idea about conversion of reclaimed thermal energy from domestic cooking system into the electrical power. There were different techniques in use worldwide for harnessing the energy into the appropriate useful work and also to create efficient system for the energy conversion process. The ignorance in this regard might be due to the reason that this wastage did not cost too much for a single home on per day or per month basis, but it could be a ample amount of cost if integrated this loss for a whole city or on yearly bases for a single home. The idea in this work depended upon the recovery of waste heat from Pressure Cookers used in the houses for the domestic cooking purposes, and optimized the reclaimed thermal energy for the conversion into electric power. This research work related with losses of energy discussed and analyzed on the basis of thermo dynamically regarding (a) the wastage of thermal energy escaped through the system due to the spreading of exhaust vapors and taking away significant amount of thermal energy;(b) losses of enthalpy through the dissipate steam;(c) heat losses in the tubing from the Pressure Cooker to the turbine;(d) electric power produces from the system. In this work, new methods were advised, in order to reduce the losses of thermal energy from the system. It would open the venue for researchers to promote this new idea in near future.