Kangavar area is located in the Sanandaj-Sirjan belt in the west Iran. Geomorphic indices of active tectonics are useful tools to analyze the influence of active tectonics. These indices have the advantage of being calculated from Arc GIS and remote sensing packages over large area as a reconnaissance tool to identify geomorphic anomalies possibly related to active tectonics. This is particularly valuable that relatively little work on active tectonics based on this method is done, so this method is new and useful. Six geomorphic indices are calculated in the study area. Then, based on index of active tectonics values that calculated by average of six geomorphic indices, two relative tectonic activities levels are revealed. The low class of Iat is mainly in the sub-basins of 3, 4, 15, 16, 17, 19 & 22 while the rest of the study area has moderate active tectonics in the other sub-basins. Our results show that the moderate value is located on faulted area, which shows 3 class of relative tectonic activity.