In a recently published paper Metal-Like Gravity (MLG) and Its Cosmological Applications [1] 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F005200650066003400310035003000360034003200330030000000 , it was determined that a new modification of Newtonian gravity could explain many of the cosmological mysteries such as the nature of dark matter and dark energy. The theory provided a gravitational physical system and explained the flatness of the galactic rotational curves (RC). A RC fit that was identical to MOND’s RC fit for spiral galaxies was generated with α as a fitting parameter determined as equal to 1.345. In this paper I am elaborating more on the theory’s cosmological extrapolation of MOND’s critical acceleration a0. This is done by further assessing the gravitational interaction between the galactic baryonic mass and the halo-DM mass in the star-galaxy overlapping volume estimated in MLG framework interpreting a0 as only a factor induced from the reduction of the galactic luminous mass. It is asserted that MOND and MLG dynamic equations are equivalent with MOND’s form, only expressing the equation with an intermediate solution by equating the magnitudes of δ (a parameter that defines a scaled surface galactic DM-density perpendicular to the galactic radial direction in the galaxy-star halo overlapping volume) and G.