This paper presents a comprehensive investigation of aeroelastic stability for a high aft-swept transonic fan blade with low hub-to-tip ratio. The evolution of the blade’s aeroelastic stability in the first bending modes is studied. A 3D flutter computation representing today’s industry standard is performed. Steady state flow field and motion-induced unsteady pressures acting on the blade have been determined by a 3D Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations with a standard k-ε turbulence model. A weakly coupled (one-way) method has been employed to describe the interaction between fluid and structure. The results of aerodynamic damping indicate a significant shock-driven risk. To increase the flutter margin by a viable method, a statistical mistuned aeroelastic stability investigation has been performed. It has been found that alternately intentional mistuning with a small blade frequency offset stabilizes the system effectively. However, as the standard deviation of random mistuning reaches some critical values, the introduction of alternately intentional mistuning does not provide any additional stabilizing effects.