Rethinking phylogeographic structure and historical refugia in the rufous-capped babblerCyanoderma ruficeps in light of range-wide genetic sampling and paleodistributional reconstructions
Combining ecological niche modeling with phylogeography has become a popular approach to understand how his-torical climate changes have created and maintained population structure. However, methodological choices in geographic ex-tents and environmental layer sets employed in modeling may affect results and interpretations profoundly. Here, we infer range-wide phylogeographic structure and model ecological niches ofCyanoderma ruficeps, and compare results to previous stu-dies that examined this species across mainland China and Taiwan only. Use of dense taxon sampling of closely related species as outgroups questionC. ruficeps monophyly. Furthermore, previously unsampledC. ruficeps populations from central Vietnam were closely related to disjunct western populations (Nepal, Tibet, Myanmar, Yunnan), rather than to geographically proximate populations in northern Vietnam and eastern China. Phylogeographic structure is more complex than previously appreciated; niche model projections to Last Glacial Maximum climate scenarios identified larger areas of suitable conditions than previous studies, but potential distributional limits differed markedly between climate models employed and were dependent upon inter-pretation of non-analogous historical climate scenarios. Previously identified population expansion across central China may re-sult from colonization from refugial distributions during the Last Interglacial, rather than the Last Glacial Maximum, as pre-viously understood [Current Zoology 61 (5): 901–909, 2015].
Rethinking phylogeographic structure and historical refugia in the rufous-capped babblerCyanoderma ruficeps in light of range-wide genetic sampling and paleodistributional reconstructions