What really happens in strongly correlated superconductors:insights from a quantum Monte-Carlo study of high temperature superconductivity in FeSe films
BCS theory and its extensions form the basis of a compelling and elegant understanding of the properties of conventional superconductors.However,it is a weak-coupling theory,organized around the infinitesimal "Cooper" instability of the Fermi liquid.This is not merely a theoretical abstraction:Schrieffer (among others) has emphasized that it is only because the normal state above Tc is so accurately described by Fermi liquid theory that we can talk about collective pairing of well-defined quasiparticles.Moreover,the fact that the phonons involved are coherent collective modes permits the identification of a pairing glue,while the small ratio of the phonon frequencies to the Fermi energy allows the relatively weak retarded attraction they induce to overcome the strong Coulomb repulsion between electrons.
What really happens in strongly correlated superconductors:insights from a quantum Monte-Carlo study of high temperature superconductivity in FeSe films