<正>2016,12生肖的猴年到来了,属猴的人们迎来了他们的本命年。分析属猴的人,虽然有些看上去懒懒散散,内心却很有主见。纵观从古至今,属猴的名人从来都不少。这里为大家介绍几位吧。1.Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci列奥纳多·迪·皮耶罗·达·芬奇Born in 1452 in Italy,Leonardo da Vinci was one of the greatest painters in the world and is well known in China.Most of the Chinese people born in the 1980s know him from an article called Painting Eggs in a Chinese elementary school textbook.His most famous painting work is Mona Lisa.