[Objective] To establish drought resistance evaluation index system of desert shrubs,and provide scientific support for selecting quality tree species.[Method] Taking 2-year-old seedlings of 12 desert shrubs in Ulan Buh Desert ecosystem as the test materials,7 water physiological indexes were tested,principal component analysis and cluster analysis were applied to explore drought resistance of the shrubs.[Results](a) Water potential of Ephedra distachya Linn.,Nitraia tangutorum Bobr.,Caragana korshinski Kom.was lower than that of the other 9 species;bound water content(V_a) and bound water/free water ratio(V_a/V_s) of Zygophyl um xanthoxylon Maxim.was 64.20% and 3.3,higher than the others’;transpiration rate of Atraphaxis bracteata A.Los.,Nitraia tangutorum Bobr.and Tamarix elongata Ldb.was significantly lower than the others’;constant weight time of Haloxylon ammodendron(C.A.Mey.) Bunge and Ephedra distachya Linn.was the longest(144 h);residual moisture content of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Maxim.was the highest(44.80%).(b) Water potential,bound water/free water(V_a/V_s),residual moisture content,bound water,constant weight time,and transpiration rate had great impact on drought resistance of plant,and the accumulative variance contribution rate achieved 87.59%.[Conclusion] According to the drought resistance,the 12 species were classified into 3 categories,namely shrubs with strong drought resistance(Ephedra distachya Linn.),shrubs with moderate drought resistance(Haloxylon ammodendron(C.A.Mey.) Bunge,Nitraia tangutorum Bobr.,and Zygophyllum xanthoxylon Maxim.);shrubs with poor drought resistance(Hedysarunn scoparium Fisch,Hedysarum mongolicum Turcz.,Tamarix elongata Ldb.,Caragana korshinskii Kom.,Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Maxim.,Atraphaxis bracteata A.Los.,Cal igonum mongolicum Mattei.,and Caragana microphylla Lam.).