Organisms always have limited options when constructing their hard tissues.Therefore,they appeal to the combination of soft and hard materials with structural designs at multiscale [1],creating a performance well beyond the ones of the single components.Nacre,the inner shell of some mollusks,is famous for its extraordinary mechanical and optical property through optimized hierarchical structural design with thin aragonite platelets (~ 95 wt%) glued together by organic components (~ 5 wt% of chitin and proteins).Mollusks produce natural nacre via the generation of a few chitin layers and the mineralization of aragonite in the space between the layers,which would be a too slow process for in vitro synthesis of nacre-like materials [2].Therefore,various efficient methods have been developed to make artificial nacre in the past decades.For instance,two dimensional nacre-like films can be produced by layer-by-layer assembly [3-5],spin-coating assembly [6],vacuum-filtration assisted self-assembly or evaporation-induced self-assembly [7,8].Fabrication of nacre-like bulk materials based on freeze-casting/magnetic field-induced assembly and sintering of slurries has also been reported [9,10].The fabrication of bulk pieces of nacrelike materials via a universal mineralization strategy at ambient conditions,following ordinary mollusks in their control of structure from nanoscale to macroscale,remained untouched.