General-purpose Monte Carlo (GPMC) generators like HERWIG [1],HFRWIG++ [2],PYTHIA 6 [3],PYTHIA 8 [4],and SHERPA [5],provide fully exclusive simulations of high-energy collisions.They play an essential role in QCD modeling (in particular for aspects beyond fixed-order perturbative QCD),in data analysis,where they are used together with detector simulation to provide a realistic estimate of the detector response to collision events,and in the planning of new experiments,where they are used to estimate signals and backgrounds in high-energy processes.They are built from several components,that describe the physics starting from very short distance scales,up to the typical scale of hadron formation and decay.Since QCD is weakly interacting at short distances (below a femtometer),the components of the GPMC dealing with short-distance physics are based upon perturbation theory.At larger distances,all soft hadronic phenomena,like hadronization and the formation of the underlying event,cannot be computed from first principles,and one must rely upon QCD-inspired models.