For acoustic applications such as theaters, cinema halls, auditoriums the data on acoustic properties i.e. sound absorption coefficient and sound transmission loss are required to evaluate the acoustic behavior of panel products and to facilitate the necessary design computations. Fibre boards are widely used in private and commercial buildings, but not much data are available on acoustic efficiency of fibre boards. The study was carried using acoustic pulse tester based on standing wave method for evaluating sound absorption coefficient. Wood fibre boards of different densities ranging from 200 to 800 kg/m3 were taken and their sound absorption coefficients at frequencies ranging from 125 Hz to 4000 Hz were evaluated in third octave band. Noise reduction coefficient of the samples was also computed. From the study, it is observed that low density fibre board possess high sound absorption coefficient and noise reduction coefficient when compared with high density fibre boards. It was seen that sound absorption coefficient increases with decrease in density and vice versa.