For each finite group E,let (O)(E) be a binary relation on the set of all subgroups of E.If A and B are subgroups of a finite group G,then we say that the pair (A,B) enjoys the gradewise property (resp.,generalized gradewise property) (O) in G if G has a normal series F:1 =G0 ≤ G1 ≤.… ≤ Gt =G such that for each i =1,t,we have ((A ∩ Gi)Gi-1/Gi-1,BCi-1/Gi-1) ∈ (O)(G/Gi-1) (resp.,we have ((A∩Gi)Gi-1/Gi-1,(B∩Gi)Gi-1/Gi-1) ∈ (O)(G/Gi-1)).Using these concepts,we obtain some new characterizations for solubility and supersolubility of finite groups and generalize some known results.