Congruent elliptic curves with non-trivial Shafarevich-Tate groups: Distribution part
Given a large positive number x and a positive integer k,we denote by Qk (x) the set of congruent elliptic curves E(n):y2 =z3-n2z with positive square-free integers n ≤ x congruent to one modulo eight,having k prime factors and each prime factor congruent to one modulo four.We obtain the asymptotic formula for the number of congruent elliptic curves E(n) ∈ Qk(x) with Mordell-Weil ranks zero and 2-primary part of Shafarevich-Tate groups isomorphic to (Z/2Z)2.We also get a lower bound for the number of E(n) ∈ Qk(x) with Mordell-Weil ranks zero and 2-primary part of Shafarevich-Tate groups isomorphic to (Z/2Z)4.The key ingredient of the proof of these results is an independence property of residue symbols.This property roughly says that the number of positive square-free integers n ≤ x with k prime factors and residue symbols (quadratic and quartic) among its prime factors being given compatible values does not depend on the actual values.