Reconstruction of noise-driven nonlinear dynamic networks with some hidden nodes
The problem of network reconstruction,particularly exploring unknown network structures by analyzing measurable output data from networks,has attracted significant interest in many interdisciplinary fields in recent times.In practice,networks may be very large,and data can often be measured for only some of the nodes in a network while data for other variables are hidden.It is thus crucial to be able to infer networks from partial data.In this article,we study the problem of noise-driven nonlinear networks with some hidden nodes.Various difficulties appear jointly:nonlinearity of network dynamics,the impact of strong noise,the complexity of interaction structures between network nodes,and missing data from certain hidden nodes.We propose using high-order correlation to treat nonlinearity and structural complexity,two-time correlation to decorrelate noise,and higherorder derivatives to overcome the difficulties of hidden nodes.A closed form of network reconstruction is derived,and numerical simulations confirm the theoretical predictions.