Dynamical model of encapsulated gas microbubble under ultrasound based on elastic mechanics
Based on the theory of elastic mechanics,a dynamical model of an encapsulated gas microbubble under ultrasound is presented.The dynamical motion of the microbubble is divided into three states:buckled,elastic,and ruptured.The model describes the compression-only behavior appropriately and derives the transient variation of the resonance frequency of the damped oscillation and the relation between the critical rupture radius and initial outer radius.The normal stress in the tangential direction plays the principal role in the rupture and buckling of the encapsulating shell,resulting in likely rupture for a larger microbubble and resistance to rupture for a thicker-shell microbubble.Comparison of proposed dynamical model with Marmottant's model has been given.The dynamical model can be employed in ultrasound medical diagnostics and therapy of drug incorporation or extravasation through further understanding the influence of the encapsulating shell.