Laser-enhanced thermal effect of moderate intensity focused ultrasound on bio-tissues
For avoiding extra-damage to healthy tissues surrounding the focal point during high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) treatment in medical therapy,to reduce the ultrasonic intensity outside the focal point is expected.Thus,the heating processes induced by moderate intensity focused ultrasound (MIFU) and enhanced by combined irradiation of laser pulses for bio-tissues are studied in details.For fresh bio-tissues,the enhanced thermal effects by pulsed laser combined with MIFU irradiation are observed experimentally.To explore the mechanisms of these effects,several tissue-mimicking materials composed of agar mixed with graphite powders are prepared and studied for comparison,but the laser-enhanced thermal effects in these mimicking materials are much less than that in the fresh bio-tissues.Therefore,it is suggested that the laser-enhanced thermal effects may be mainly attributed to bio-activities and related photo-bio-chemical effects of fresh tissues.