Many physicists believe dark matter accounts for flat velocity curves in spiral galaxies and find further evidence for dark matter in observations of the colliding “bullet cluster” galaxies 1E0657-56. Others claim a modified law of gravity called MOND (MOdified Newtonian Dynamics) explains galactic velocity curves better than dark matter. Merritt recently argued for MOND (arXiv:1703.02389) by claiming dark matter models cannot account for the MOND acceleration threshold a0≈1.2x10-8cm/sec2 and the (Vobserved/VNewtonian) relation. However, this note shows that the HLSS model involving dark matter accounts for both the MOND acceleration and the (Vobserved/VNewtonian) relation. After this paper was accepted for publication, I learned that Man Ho Chan previously reached the same conclusion (arXiv:1310.6801) using a dark matter based analysis independent of the holographic approach used in this paper.