Ω and φ in Au + Au collisions at √SNN =200 and 11.5 GeV from a multiphase transport model
Within the framework of a multiphase transport model,we study the production and properties of Ω and φ in Au + Au collisions with a new set of parameters for √SNN =200 GeV and with the original set of parameters for √SNN =11.5 GeV.The AMPT model with string melting provides a reasonable description at √SNN =200 GeV,while the default AMPT model describes the data well at √SNN =11.5 GeV.This indicates that the system created at top RHIC energy is dominated by partonic interactions,while hadronic interactions become important at lower beam energy,such as √SNN =11.5 GeV.The comparison of N(Ω++Ω-)/[2N(φ)] ratio between data and calculations further supports the argument.Our calculations can generally describe the data of nuclear modification factor as well as elliptic flow.