Effect of Surface Polishing Treatment on the Fatigue Performance of Shot-Peened Ti-6Al-4V Alloy
In this study,shot peening is applied to the titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V,and the surface treatment effect on fatigue life of shot-peened specimens under high cycle loading is investigated.The induced residual stress is measured by using the orbital hole-drilling method.Surface profilometer and optical microscopy are employed to characterize the surface roughness and morphology.The deformed microstructure layers of the shot-peened specimens are investigated by using scanning electron microscopy.Experiments reveal that the fatigue life of Ti-6Al-4V is improved by the shot peening process,and the surface pre-peening polishing.The combination of pre-and post-peening polishing treatments further improves fatigue life of Ti--6Al-4V specimens.The present work provides useful guidelines for developing more efficient shot peening strategies.