The effect of CO2 partial pressure was evaluated during the CO2 chemisorption in penta lithium aluminate (LisAlO4),using different CO2 and O2 partial pressures in the presence or absence of alkaline carbonates.Results showed that using low Po2 (0.1) did not affect the kinetic and final CO2 chemisorption process.Moreover,small additions of oxygen (Po2 =0.05) into the mixture flue gas,seemed to increase the CO2 chemisorption.Additionally,the presence of alkaline carbonates modified the CO2 capture temperature range.CO2 chemisorption kinetic parameters were determined assuming a double exponential model where direct CO2 chemisorption and CO2 chemisorption controlled by diffusion processes are considered.Finally,ionic diffusion was analyzed by ionic conduction analysis,where all the gravimetric and ionic measurements were in good agreement showing different diffusion processes depending on temperature.Finally,the oxygen and alkaline carbonate additions have positive effects during the CO2 chemisorption process in Li5AlO4,and a possible reaction mechanism is presented.