NiO-CaO materials as promising catalysts for hydrogen production through carbon dioxide capture and subsequent dry methane reforming
In this work,CaO-NiO mixed oxide powders were evaluated as consecutive CO2 chemisorbents and catalytic materials for hydrogen production thought the CH4 reforming process.Between the NiO-impregnated CaO and CaO-NiO mechanical composite,the first one presented better chemical behaviors during the CO2 capture and CH4 reforming processes,obtaining syngas (H2 + CO) as final product.Results showed that syngas was produced at two different temperature ranges,between 400 and 600℃ and at T> 800℃,where the first temperature range corresponds to the CH4 reforming process but the second temperature range was attributed to a different catalytic reaction process:CH4 partial oxidation.These results were confirmed through different isothermal and cyclic experiments as well as by XRD analysis of the final catalytic products,where the nickel reduction was evidenced.Moreover,when a CO-O2 flow was used during the carbonation process a triple process was achieved:(i) CO oxidation,(ii) CO2 chemisorption and (iii) CH4 reforming.Using this gas flow the hydrogen production was always higher than that obtained with CO2.