Dear editor,
Demand for higher data transmission rate,particularly in the modern communication systems,has been increasing over the years.For example,the IEEE standard 802.15.3c specifies more than 2 Gbps data transmission rate,which pushes the frequency band up to 60 GHz.In the transceiver,the working frequency of VCO is in 60 GHz,and that has attracted many people to study it [1,2].However,implementing high speed voltagecontrolled oscillator (VCO) through CMOS technology can be extremely challenging because of the intrinsic cut-off frequency limitation of CMOS devices.The LC-tank VCO structure can be used to address this issue [3],but its phase noise is poor and the power consumption is high [4,5].In the previous studies,the researchers use the intrinsictuned technique and capacitance-splitting technique to improve VCO performance,but they are complicated [6].