Theoretical study on production cross sections of exotic actinide nuclei in multinucleon transfer reactions
Within the dinuclear system (DNS) model,the multinucleon transfer reactions 129,136Xe + 248Cm,112Sn + 238U,and 144Xe + 248Cm are investigated.The production cross sections of primary fragments are calculated with the DNS model.By using a statistical model,we investigate the influence of charged particle evaporation channels on production cross sections of exotic nuclei.It is found that for excited neutron-deficient nuclei the charged particle evaporation competes with neutron emission and plays an important role in the cooling process.The production cross sections of several exotic actinide nuclei are predicted in the reactions 112Sn + 238U and 136,144Xe + 248Cm.Considering the beam intensities,the collisions of 136,144Xe projectiles with a 248Cm target for producing neutron-rich nuclei with Z=92-96 are investigated.