Resonant nuclear reaction 23Mg (p,γ) 24Al in strongly screening magnetized neutron star crust
Based on the relativistic theory of superstrong magnetic fields (SMF),by using three models those of Lai (LD),Fushiki (FGP),and our own (L J),we investigate the influence of SMFs due to strong electron screening (SES) on the nuclear reaction 23Mg (P,γ) 24Al in magnetars.In a relatively low density environment (e.g.,ρ7<0.01) and 1<B12 < 102,our screening rates are in good agreement with those of LD and FGP.However,in relatively high magnetic fields (e.g.,B12 > 102),our reaction rates can be 1.58 times and about three orders of magnitude larger than those of FGP and LD,respectively (B12,ρ7 are in units of 1012G,107g cm-3).The significant increase of strong screening rate can imply that more 23Mg will escape from the Ne-Na cycle due to SES in a SMF.As a consequence,the next reaction,24Al (β+,υ) 24Mg,will produce more 24Mg to participate in the Mg-Al cycle.Thus,it may lead to synthesis of a large amount of A>20 nuclides in magnetars.