A highly sustainable multi-band orthogonal wavelet code division multiplexing UWB communication system for underground mine channel
The underground mine channel is highly hostile for communication.A sustainable communication system is required to be integrated as a multipurpose system capable of transferring all types of information such as data,voice and video on identical infrastructure,with its large bandwidth,the Ultra Wide Band (UWB) provides a promising solution to satisfy these requirements.The Multi-Band Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (MBOFDM) UWB system provides high resilience to Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) caused by multipath fading channels.This study compares the performance of various existing multi-band UWB systems in the IEEE UWB channel and underground mine channel:MBOFDM,Multi-Band Orthogonal Frequency Code Division Multi-plexing (MBOFCDM) and Multi-Band Orthogonal Wavelet Division Multiplexing (MBOWDM).Further,the application of 2D spreading to the MBOWDM UWB system is attempted,and as a result,the Multi-Band Orthogonal Wavelet Code Division Multiplexing (MBOWCDM) UWB system is proposed.The performance of the MBOWCDM system in the IEEE UWB channel and underground mine channel is investigated.The performance of the MBOWCDM UWB system is observed to be superior to those of other multi-band UWB systems.Moreover,the MBOWCDM UWB system supports a higher data rate with low complexity and lower overheads.