Background: Patients with dementia who accidentally swallowed a press- through package (PTP) have been increased in recent years. Swallowed PTP is usually detected with CT having a risk of radiation exposure since PTP is very difficult to detect with abdominal X-ray image. Purpose: This study is aimed at developing the new PTP sheet recognizable with abdominal X-ray by improving the conventional PTP sheet. Material and Methods: The PTP sheet samples used in this study are: No. 1 Control: Commercially available tablet 100 mg, No. 2 Triple-stacked aluminum foil, 6-overcoated with BaSO4 10.3 g/m2, No. 3 Aluminum foil, 6-overcoated with BaSO4 10.3 g/m2, No. 4 Five-stacked aluminum foil, 6-overcoated with BaSO4 No. 5 Aluminum foil, single-coated with WO3 2.55 g/m2, No. 6 Aluminum foil, double-coated with WO3 5.1 g/m2, No. 7 Aluminum foil, triple-coated with WO3 7.66 g/m2, No. 8 Three-stacked aluminum foil, triple-coated with WO3. PTP sheets (No. 1 - No. 8) were placed inside the abdominal soft tissue phantom, and the images were obtained using FUJIFILM DR CALNEO PT. Region of interest (ROI) was placed on PTP sheets (No. 1 - No. 8) and abdominal soft tissue liquid phantom, and each contrast was measured from the average pixel of the two ROIs. Contrast was calculated by the calculation formula. Each ROI was measured three times, and their average value and standard deviation were estimated. Results: Statistical significance in contrast was not observed in commercial PTP sheet (No. 1), PTP sheet (No. 3), and PTP sheet (No. 5), while there was a significant difference between PTP sheet (No. 1) and PTP sheet (No. 2), PTP sheet (No. 4) PTP sheet (No. 6), PTP sheet (No. 7) (p Conclusion: The other all prototype PTP sheets (No. 2, No. 4, No. 6, No. 7 and No. 8) were well recognized. PTP sheets (No. 2, No. 4) of BaSO4 is considered to be more suitable than PTP sheets of WO3 (No. 6, No. 7, No. 8) because it is easier to produce. We will develop oral PTP sheets for patients with dementia for abdominal X-ray in the future.