Purpose: When producing mining operations in high-stress rock massive, technogenic seismicity is manifested. Forecasting and prevention of these events is given much attention in all countries with a developed mining industry. From the point of view of the paradigm of physical mesomechanics, which includes a synergetic approach to changing the state of rock massive of different material composition, this problem can be solved with the help of monitoring methods tuned to the study of hierarchical structural media. Changes in the environment, leading to short-term precursors of dynamic phenomena, are explained within the framework of hierarchical heterogeneity and nonlinearity from observations of wave fields and seismic catalog. For that purpose it is needed to develop new algorithms of modeling wave field propagation through the local objects with hierarchical structure. Design/Methodology/Approach: It had been constructed an algorithm for 3D modeling electromagnetic field for arbitrary type of source of excitation in N-layered medium with a hierarchic conductive and magnetic intrusion, located in the layer number J. It had been constructed algorithms for 2D modeling of sound diffraction and linear polarized transversal seismic wave on an anomaly elastic or dense intrusion of hierarchic structure, located in the layer number J of N-layered elastic medium. We used the method of integral and integral-differential equations for a space frequency presentation of wave field distribution. Findings: From the theory it is obvious that for such complicated medium each wave field contains its own information about the inner structure of the hierarchical inclusion. Therefore it is needed to interpret the monitoring data for each wave field apart, and not mixes the data base. Practical Value/Implications: These results will be the base for constructing new systems of monitoring observations of dynamical geological systems. Especially it is needed to prevent rock shocks in deep mines by their exploitation or natural hazards.