Influence of Zn Content on Microstructure and Tensile Properties of Mg-Zn-Y-Nd Alloy
In the present study,the effect of Zn content on the microstructure and deformation behavior of the as-cast Mg-Zn-Y-Nd alloy has been investigated.The results showed that as Zn content increased,the volume fraction of secondary phases increased.Moreover,the phase transformation from W-phase to W-phase and I-phase occurred.In the as-cast state,W-phase exists as eutecdc and large block form.When Zn content increases to 6 and 8% (wt%),small I-phase could precipitate around W-phase particles.Additionally,the effect of Zn content on the tensile properties and deformation behavior varies with the testing temperature.At room temperature,the tensile strength increases with Zn content,whereas the elongation increases initially and then decreases.At 250℃,as Zn content increases,the tensile strength decreases initially and then increases slightly,whereas the elongation decreases.At 350℃,the elongation increases with Zn content,whereas the tensile strength decreases initially and then increases slightly.