We consider small vortices, such as tornadoes, dust devils, whirlpools, and small hurricanes at low latitudes, for which the Coriolis force can be neglected. Such vortices are (at least approximately) cylindrically symmetrical about a vertical axis through the center of a calm central region or eye of radius . In the region fluid (gas or liquid) circulates about the eye with speed . We take to be the outer periphery of the vortex, where the fluid speed is reduced to that of the surrounding wind field (in the cases of tornadoes, dust devils, and small hurricanes at low latitudes) or deemed negligible (in the case of whirlpools). If , angular momentum is conserved within the fluid itself;if , angular momentum must be exchanged with Earth to ensure conservation of total angular momentum. We derive the steepness and upper limit of the pressure gradients in vortices. We then discuss the power and energy of vortices. We compare the kinetic energy of atmospheric vortices and the power required to maintain them against frictional dissipation with the same quantities for Earth’s atmosphere as a whole. We explain why the kinetic energy of atmospheric vortices must be replaced on much shorter timescales than is the case for Earth’s atmosphere as a whole. Brief comparisons of cyclostrophic flow with geostrophic and friction-balanced flows are then provided. We then consider an analogy that might be drawn, at least to some extent, with gravitational systems, considering mainly spherically-symmetrical and cylindrically-symmetrical ones. Generation of kinetic energy at the expense of potential energy in fluid vortices, in geostrophic and friction-balanced flows, and in gravitational systems is then briefly discussed. We explain the variations of pressure and gravitational gradients corresponding to generation of kinetic energy exceeding, equaling, and falling short of frictional dissipation. In the Appendix, we describe a simple method for maximizing power extraction from environmental fluid (air or water) flows. In summary