Road traffic noise can have a significant impact on the quality of life for residents close to major road networks.One of the most effective measures for reducing the noise from road traffic,particularly on high-speed roads,is to ensure the use of a low noise road surface.Research on pavement construction and the measurement of its acoustic properties has shown that significant noise reductions can be achieved through the use of certain road surface types.However certain low noise road surfaces do not exhibit the desired durability associated with more traditional pavements,leading to costly and disruptive maintenance regimes.This article looks at the mechanisms involved in tyre/road noise generation and how these interact with various road surface properties including a brief overview of some common surface types.It then goes on to explain how these concepts informed the development of an asphalt surfacing material with enhanced durability and good acoustic performance without compromising safety.Progress in testing the resulting Premium Asphalt Surfacing System(PASS)is outlined,including the completion of a successful network trial.