Searching for sterile neutrinos in dynamical dark energy cosmologies
We investigate how the dark energy properties change the cosmological limits on sterile neutrino parameters by using recent cosmological observations.We consider the simplest dynamical dark energy models,the wCDM model and the holographic dark energy (HDE) model,to make an analysis.The cosmological observations used in this work include the Planck 2015 CMB temperature and polarization data,the baryon acoustic oscillation data,the type Ⅰa supernova data,the Hubble constant direct measurement data,and the Planck CMB lensing data.We find that,meffv,sterile < 0.2675 eV and Neffv,sterile < 3.5718 for ∧CDM cosmology,meffv,sterile < 0.5313 eV and Neff < 3.5008 for wCDM cosmology,and meffv,sterile < 0.1989 eV and Neff < 3.6701 for HDE cosmology,from the constraints of the combination of these data.Thus,without the addition of measurements of growth of structure,only upper limits on both mffv,sterile and Neff can be derived,indicating that no evidence of the existence of a sterile neutrino species with eV-scale mass is found in this analysis.Moreover,compared to the ∧CDM model,in the wCDM model the limit on meffv,sterile becomes much looser,but in the HDE model the limit becomes much tighter.Therefore,the dark energy properties could significantly influence the constraint limits of sterile neutrino parameters.