Mechanical Properties of Al/BN Nanocomposites Fabricated by Planetary Ball Milling and Conventional Hot Extrusion
In this study,Al matrix nanocomposites containing 1,2 and 4 wt% nano-boron nitride were fabricated by mechanical milling and hot extrusion.The mechanical properties of all extruded samples were evaluated.Also,the morphology and microstructure of the milled composite powders were characterized using two types of electron microscope.The results showed that a high fraction of the boron nitride nanoparticles dissolved and formed a solid solution in Al matrix during the milling process.Through the process of solid solution formation,the work hardening rate of the composite powders increased.This led to a morphological change in the composite powders and resulted in equiaxed shape.The powder particle size also decreased after the milling process.By increasing boron nitride content within a range of 0-4 wt% in the hot extruded samples,tensile stress increased from 212 to 333 MPa.The hardness of the nanocomposite samples including 1,2 and 4 wt% boron nitride improved approximately 55,70 and 90% in comparison with pure Al,respectively.