Recently, mankind’s need for more amount of energy has been increasing day by day, though there is a trend to reduce the usage of the traditional energy source to an energy carrier (or fuel) that results in emitting harmful gases to the envi-ronment that is separated in the air and water. Researchers have conducted re-searches to increase projects that will generate clean and renewable energy. Us-age of renewable energy via mankind is in continuous progress such as solar en-ergy, bioenergy, ocean energy and wind energy. Wind energy waste while the car moved was used to produce electric energy. In this paper, the usage of unused wind energy in vehicles was developed so that additional power for vehicles was enable via converting wind power into electric one. The wind turbine was assem-bled from a fan and transducer. Indoor test showed generation of different elec-tric voltages when varying the ambient temperature. The main experiment was carried out so that the wind turbine was installed above the car;values of volt-ages in various speeds of the car were recorded. When two fans were used with different specifications, the consequence was a direct proportionality that changes the happened between voltages and car’s speeds. A comparison between the two fans showed that: the fan with big blade dimensions was the best one to generate voltages. Finally, the high voltages were generated in low temperatures. These results reveal that we can avail from wind energy to supply vehicles with electricity as long as vehicles move along the way.