The development of new lighting sources,such as light emitting diode (LED),induction,and plasma,presented more possible cost effective ways for roadway lighting.A study was therefore conducted for the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of some selected new lighting devices in roadway lighting.This paper describes the field evaluation process and presents the evaluation results.A number of LEDs,plasma and induction luminaires from various manufacturers were selected to replace the existing high pressure sodium (HPS) lamps in conventional and high mast lightings.Illuminance values were measured over a period of 12 months on the existing and new light sources.Light performance metrics,including illuminance level and uniformity ratios,were calculated to make quantitative comparisons of the HPS and new types of light devices.Based on the evaluation in terms of lighting performance and life cycle costs,it was concluded that LED luminaires should be utilized in roadway lighting in place of HPS luminaires.The results of this study will be useful to state highway and city street agencies in making decisions on their lighting policies and developing technical specifications for use of the new lighting technologies in roadway and street lightings.The study provides a basis for manufacturers to improve their luminaire design and integration to better fit the needs of roadway and street lightings.